Back in November, I had very good intentions of making a December Daily album. I would have the album mostly completed by the end of November, with just the photos and journaling to add during the very busy month of December....that was the plan.
Even when December 1 came and went, the intentions were still there...despite the fact that my album was
far from complete and still had no covers.

By December 20, the album was up-to-date (you may recall) minus the covers still, but looking positive...until my home printer ran out of ink, and I couldn't print off my photos :(

Then Christmas came and went, we flew out of the state for 3 weeks, and December Daily went on the back burner.
Until this weekend arrived. I made the pages for Days 21, 22, and 23, (pictured above) and then ran out of double-sided tape. Can you believe it? Me, who always has a stash of at least 5 rolls in case of such an emergency. The day has been hot, the kids have been playing happily, and I didn't have the heart to drag them out of the pool in an emergency dash to buy tape. December Daily has come to a halt once more....sigh.
How did you all go with yours? I haven't seen too many pictures of completed albums around, so would love to take a squizz at yours :) Or are you like me....hanging your head in shame that you still haven't finished, and it's already late January?
Will keep you posted on my progress LMAO!
TTFN xxx