Inspired by a gorgeous cross-stitch display by Linen and Raspberry, the enthusiastic-and -always-encouraging -Chookyblue thought it would be a lovely idea for us to pull out our completed cross-stitch pieces, and have a little blog-hop. I couldn't agree more :)
I have to say, it's been a long time since I've put a needle into aida fabric...despite the fact that each year a cross-stitch UFO makes it onto my to-do list :)
I will start by showing you some of my completed pieces.

I've saved the best for last though... very first cross-stitch, completed in high school textiles class, and framed by the very cute boy who lived across the road :) It lives in my walk-in robe...behind a cupboard...and probably will for the rest of it's life.
...the Home Sweet Home banner, which could be completed in an afternoon or two (if only I would put my mind to it!)

There's the teddy bear sampler, which unfortunately will probably never be completed due to rust stains, and the transparency of the aida cloth...

...and the other teddy bear sampler, due to be completed for my sisters' 18th birthday...
...she has since celebrated her 21st, 30th, 40th and more....hee hee.
There's the charming cottage, stitched on the leftover yellow cloth that featured in my first cross-stitch...eeewwww...

...and the sewing room sampler, which I managed to complete about 10 crosses on before moving on...oh dear.

...which I loved to buy, but never found the inclination to start. There's a bit of a teddy bear theme happening there :)

Since I don't have many completed pieces to show you, I thought I'd do a cross-stitch walk of shame...and show you the ones that are living in my UFO box :)
There's the Christmas stocking done on black (virtually impossible to stitch in anything other than bright sunlight)

There's the teddy bear sampler, which unfortunately will probably never be completed due to rust stains, and the transparency of the aida cloth...

...and the other teddy bear sampler, due to be completed for my sisters' 18th birthday...

...and the sewing room sampler, which I managed to complete about 10 crosses on before moving on...oh dear.
Then there are the kits...

...which I loved to buy, but never found the inclination to start. There's a bit of a teddy bear theme happening there :)
A cross-stitch Christmas stocking for each of the children would be a lovely addition to our Christmas decorating...
So there you have cross stitch history in one blog post! Hopefully this will give me a bit of a push to do a few more crosses, especially once I check out everyone elses beautiful work. Head over to visit Chookyblue if you are interested in seeing more...she has the links to everyone who is participating.
Thanks for hanging in this long...and please join in if you have any cross-stitches lurking in your home..we'd all love to see!
TTFN xxx
i am doing the tour of the blogs participating! it is a rainy day here in melbourne so i am enjoying the journey. your work is lovely and keep stitching i say.
Beautiful work Suzitee..
lovely to see al your x-stitcheries
I'm going around the blogs. so much fun..
Julia ♥
oh i am sure you will find inspiraton in the other girls posts........I have.......gorgeous.......
love the work you have done and yes like you I have a few projects on the go and a kit or 2.......
I'm a tourist as well. I did have a few unfinished works but I sent them off to the op-shop (threads included) but I'm tempted to try a sampler after seeing all the lovely work everyone has done.
Your stitching is lovely - you are very brave to show all your WIP's, I am so ashamed of how many I have, and like you say, some of them would only take a few hours to get finished! Happy stitching, Nicky
Oh you made me smile! we are all aspirational just reinforced how human we all are! Your work is lovely!
This brings back heaps of memories for me...yes I did cross stitch once apon a time.
But I have had the urge to do it again, just waiting to find the right piece.
thanks for sharing.
love me :-)
I just love your cross stitches.Have never done a sampler but after seeing all the beautiful ones today I may have to.
love the teddy bear theme....those Beatrix Potter ones are just gorgeous!
(what's a few UFOs between stitchers?)
thanks for sharing,
Lovely collection!! I think you're making Chooky feel better that there are other people out there that have loads of starts...! :) I haven't photgraphed my starts yet... waiting for my camera to come home from the paddock (with DH!)...!! Yours are beautiful!
So many beautiful finished pieces and, like my sewing room, so many pieces to start. I have the Home Sweet Home banner hanging in my kitchen.
Your cross stitcheries are lovely, really like the Beatrix Potter ones
Well done you.... show both it's a bit like airing your dirty laundry in public bringing out all those UFO I think you are very brave. I do love both the Beatrix Potter's. I am a great fan of her.
Wow what can i say. I am lucky enough to have seen the completed ones IRL all except that one that lurks in your closet.
You dont need to buy a kit for a whilst.
Great Post
very nice...I especially like the Beatrix Potter....
It was great seeing all your lovely finished pieces and the ones you brought out of the closet.
You've stitched some beautiful pieces. Love the Beatrix Potter sampler and the Christmas Bear WIP.
AH! thinking about cleaning out my basement last night i remembered my cross stitch pieces still packed in basement! Now I know I should get them out!
I love your pieces!
Thank You ,
oohh they are fab and I am glad to see I am not the only one who has half finished projects :-)
Hi Suzitee,
Your completed works are lovely and your uncompleted ones are just like mine - sad! I plan on showing my uncompleted ones next Saturday along with some Christmas ones. This blog-along has been fun and hopefully will inspire me to 'sit down, chill out' and do a bit more stitching.
Cheers - Joolz
Oh boy! I don't feel so bad anymore!! I'm not the only one, thank goodness! This post reallt gave me the giggles Suzie, especially the part abour your sisters 18th, 21st, 30th & 40th birthdays! Too funny! Thanks for being brave and sharing with all of us!
p.s. I'm having a giveaway on my blog, come visit when you have a chance ♥
Love your cross stitch pieces Susan!! Love the Beatrix Potter - such lovely things to stitch for babies. I went through a huge x-stitch phase in the 90's as well.
I love your cross stitching!! :o)
Sincerely - Tricia
Wow, I thought I was bad having two UFOs (though I am working on one at the moment, on and off) You've done a lot of lovely work though, even without the UFOs. I should get photos of all mine some time too. Nowhere near as many as that though.
So gorgeous - you must be thrilled looking at your collection all together like this - lots of hours there!
Hugs - Lurline♥
The ABC of Beatrix Potter is what I made our daughters names Abbey from. I am impressed you did the whole ABC - it took hours just to do a name.
i wonder if Chooky will host a wip cross stitch - I enjoyed seeing yours made me smile.
Love Leanne NZ
Thanks for sharing all your finished and unfinished pieces. They all look really beautiful. I love the story about the piece you did in High School. I like the piece as well.
I too have a kits to do and some finished pieces to be framed so I think we are all guilty of that.
I have the sewing room kit as well and have had for many years waiting to do. It is a really nice design.
Thanks again for sharing.
Love your cross stitch display Suzitee.I challenge you to finish at least one by the end of the year!!!!
Happy stitching Bev.xoxo
p.s. I am not owning up to how many I have in my cupboard.
I had started the same Beatrix Potter Sampler in 1994 when I was pregnant with my son. Unfortunately, only the partially finished sampler was saved in a flood. Does anyone know where I might get a copy of the instructions so that I can finish the sampler?
I´ve sent you an e-mail and waiting hard for an answer. I am from Austria, my name is Caroline (Nickname: Nina). Please be so kind and give me a short note.
Thank you
Please send an email to
Your stitching is really amazing. I am interested on the one about Peter Rabbit's characters, the picture about colours. How can I get the kit? or just the instruction chart?
Hi there, the Beatrix Potter ones are gorgeous - im looking to do some for my niece for her first birthday .. Ive googled everywhere and cant seem to find the alphabet pattern book anywhere - is there any way you can help me by giving me some ideas where to start looking? Thanks, Kelly ..
Hello, I've seen your old post showing Beatrix Potter colour sampler, which I've loved. I've tried to find the chart to do it myself, but I cannot find it anywhere. Could you please give me its reference or send me a copy of the chart+colour guide?
Hello, I've seen your old post showing Beatrix Potter colour sampler, which I've loved. I've tried to find the chart to do it myself, but I cannot find it anywhere. Could you please give me its reference or send me a copy of the chart+colour guide?
Hello, I've seen your old post showing Beatrix Potter colour sampler, which I've loved. I've tried to find the chart to do it myself, but I cannot find it anywhere. Could you please give me its reference or send me a copy of the chart+colour guide?
I'm longing to stitch Beatrix Potter's characters, but I have too many UFOs - I'm so not ready to even look for a chart. I hope you'll find the time to finish all your UFOs. :D
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