The last few days of Winter are upon us...the sun is getting warmer, the flowers are starting to bud, and the days are getting longer. Even if the calendar didn't tell me, I have that all too familiar little itch in my eyes, and tingle in my nose, and irritating sensation on the roof of my mouth that tells me that Spring is almost here. Sigh....
bring on the hayfever drugs.The end of August also means the end of birthday season in our house, which is a bit of a relief in a way...
it's been a busy year!Riley celebrated on the weekend with some of his mates. His Dad took the boys to play laser skirmish, while the girls and I prepared the party at our house....apparently I can do better than the sausage sandwich and soft drink that the laser skirmish place offered as the party menu (I think he's getting a bit spoilt LOL). We went with a black/white/lime colour scheme...a nice change from all the pink we've had with the girls this year!

I am buliding quite a collection of cupcake wrappers, as you can see :)
We ate homemade sausage rolls, mini pizzas, chicken tartlets, mini pies, mini hotdogs and chippolata sausages wrapped in pastry, as well as the standard chips and lollies....but they all disappeared too quickly for me to take photos!
The lolly bags were quite simple... IS all about the contents, after all :)

I stamped the star with black ink, cut out the circle, inked with green , and then mounted onto another circle...too easy.
After the long exhale of relief now that the birthday season is over, I took a quick sharp breath....Christmas is only 4 months away!!!
I'll leave you with that scary thought :)
TTFN xxx