The other morning I was sitting at the breakfast table with my gorgeous girls, enthusiastically telling them about the stitching I had completed the night before. Lydia looked a little puzzled, and finally said, " Which quilt is that for again, Mummy?"
I told her the answer, and after pondering on that for a moment, she asked the question that every multi-tasking, bite-off-more-than-you-can-chew, queen-of-the-UFO quilter dreads.
"How many quilts are you actually making at the moment Mummy?"Hmmmm...awkward. Let's count them, shall we?
There's A Gardeners Journal...

...which I really don't think should count, because the top
is finished. It's currently at the quilters, but
will require binding and a quilt label on it's return. OK...technically not finished.
That's one.There's my Tis The Season stitch-a-long quilt...

...I am currently cruising along, keeping up with the programmed number of blocks, and about halfway finished.
That's two.
There's my Bliss quilt that I haven't really shared much about yet. I'm using a pattern from Camille Roskelley's Simplify book and a jelly roll of her fabric Bliss. It's a pieced quilt, and I'm probably about 1/3 of the way through piecing the blocks.

They are sitting on my desk at the moment.
That's three.There's this quilt called A Farmers Daughter....

...which I'm using to practice my free motion quilting on. The top itself has been finished for years. I'm actually surprised that the quilting pins that are holding the top, backing and batting together haven't rusted :) I pulled this one out of my UFO pile earlier in the year, but found the quilting process a bit hot in the middle of summer....
but now it's winter, so I probably have no excuses.That's four.
Little Bluebirds...hmmmm.

I was going SO well on this one....and then got to the
final border, and ran out of fabric. I'm about 30cm short.
Hate that! This morning I have trawled the internet, made phone calls both locally and interstate, and have finally located the fabric I need (thank goodness!) so it will be making it's way across the country to me very soon. Completion
may be imminent.
That's five.
And we all know the final one...A Family Gathering. I won't bore you with another photo of that today, but am currently working on my June blocks...I'll show you when they're done :)
That's six.
So...what's your number? Please share...I dare you!
TTFN xxx
P.S. I probably should clarify something. These are my current quilts...quilts that I have done some work on in the last 6 months or so. The real list of actual quilts-in-progress is WAY too scary to share LOL!