The Craft and Quilt Fair is in town again this week...and it just wouldn't seem right if I missed it :)
The Fair has such good memories for me. I remember the first time I went...I was so excited to see a familiar face from my favourite NSW quilt shop...
Just Patchwork at Tuncurry...displaying her wares here in the West. Love catching up with Gai each year :)

The Fair is where I first met
Janellybelly...a fellow blogger, fabric addict, and now good friend.
A visit to the Fair never fails to inspire patchwork, to embroider, to create.
These days the Fair is also a girlie day out for my daughter and I. She takes the day off school (a very rare treat!), we catch the train into the city and have a beautiful day browsing and buying, eating and chatting. Yesterday she bought her first charm pack, and can't wait to start piecing it together on her new sewing machine...and that makes me smile.
And what's a day at the fair without adding to the fabric stash? The swirls of fabric loveliness that is a jelly roll...totally irresistable! If only it was limited to just one... :)
TTFN xxx