Thursday, August 27, 2009

So...what's been happening?

Lots actually :)

The boy celebrated a birthday...a low key celebration with some friends, complete with sparklers and yummy dessert.

Lots of gifts to open too!

Miss Lydia did her dance exams...

...and this photo in particular took my breath away :)

And Baby Born finally learnt how to swim LOL! It had been so cold and windy around here that we hadn't bothered with the paddle pool up until today...such glorious weather! I can feel Spring in the air :)
While I seem to be in denial that we are moving house next week (arrrrgggghhhhh!!!!), photos like this one prove to me that maybe I am a bit more organised than what I think I am!

This empty cupboard magically became a bunk bed for Merryn and her teddy (teddy got the top bunk), and kept her busy for ages. Love her imagination :)
Until next time,
TTFN xxx


Linda said...

That photo of Lydia is stunning and i cant believe how grown up she looks. BEAUTIFUL.
Obviously your camera will be the last thing to be packed or maybe it can just go in your handbag.

Hope said...

Great photos Suzi! Do I spy some patchwork in the second one? More you could share maybe?

Good luck with the move. Horrible to think of all the packing, moving and unpacking, but wonderful when it's done and you know the house is yours :)

Jenni said...

Lovely photos....Good luck with the move!