...and remembering past loves :)
Moving house, and finally having a craft room that I can spread out in, has meant that I am able to unpack boxes of craft goodies that have been stored in my poor husband's garage these last few years. These boxes ( which haven't seen West Australian sunlight LOL) contain so much crafty treasure...and so many reminders of previous crafty endeavours that consumed my days long before scrapbooking took over!
Embroidery was my big thing back then. In particular, Brazillian embroidery. And with long lustrous threads with names like Lola and Glory and Nova to describe their thicknesses, how could you not fall in love with them? I used to stitch religiously every day..it didn't hurt that I only had one baby back then , who was so kind as to have a three hour nap every afternoon :)
As well as quite a few framed pieces, I made these...

I came across a woodturner (?) who created these gorgeous wooden boxes. I bought as many as he had, and started stitching! This bottlebrush with Wanderer butterfly was my own design, which I created for my beautiful Nan...it came back to me when she passed away several years ago.
This lavender and daisy design was from a copy of Embroidery and Cross-Stitch magazine (I think?) and I stitched it for my mother. The threads, if you can imagine, are rich and lustrous, and the stitches quite complex. Some French Knots in these designs can contain as many as 90 wraps of the thread around the needle!

These photos are scans of the original photos...thus the lack of detail!
While unpacking the other day, I found another three wooden boxes.
Wow...three more. I must have really loved those boxes :) I also found threads upon threads upon threads...all just waiting to be turned into something beautiful. And I was inspired.
I wonder if I could put my scrapbooking aside long enough to stitch another :)
Do you have a past crafty love? I'd love to hear about it ;)
TTFN xxx