Yesterday morning, I was doing a little browsing on the internet (as you do) and saw a layout by Nic Howard over on the
Aussie Scrap Source blog using some Hambly Screen prints. This isn't a product that I use a lot, and thought it would be kinda fun for a change.
I took the kids to a birthday party at a swimming centre quite a long way from where we live, and on the way home, passed a scrapbooking shop which I hadn't been to in quite a while. Since it was still open, I decided I had enough brownie points with the kids to pop in for a look :)
The girls came in with me. Merryn had been there before, and I let her go off to the toy area...she usually loves to play there, and it keeps her busy while I shop. I was browsing the Hambly Screen Prints when Merryn asked if she could sit in the car with Riley.
Sure, no problem.It was only when the salesperson asked me if the little girl in the white dress was mine that I realised something was going on. I looked over to the counter, and Spread over the entire counter was scrapbook paper. And on that scrapbook paper...
every single sheet of that paper...was green paint. Big splodges of green paint.
I didn't believe that Merryn could be responsible. My little veteran scrapbook shopper KNOWS THE RULES. I retrieved her from the car, and did a thorough hand inspection. No green paint. A thorough clothing inspection. No green paint.
It was the tiniest little bit of green paint on her chin that gave her away. Apparently, the paint was "very squirty" :0
Close to tears, and in utter disbelief, I handed over the $$$$ for many many sheets of Kaiser La Di Da, all splattered with green paint, and one
almost empty tube of green paint. Oh, and one lovely sheet of Hambly Screen Print :(
Today, I used the Hambly Screen Print on a LO...

It's that cream swirly bit on top of the "I read your emails first" bit. Enjoy cost me a fortune sob sob sob.
I've also used Cosmo Cricket Girl Friday, American Crafts A la Carte, Basic Grey ribbon, KI Memories lace cardstock, and lots of other bits and pieces.
Sigh. That is one expensive LO.
TTFN xxx
Edited to add: I probably should note (for non-regular readers of my blog) that Merryn is almost 6...quite old enough to be left in an enclosed childs play area without my constant supervision...or so I thought!!!