Thursday, November 25, 2010

Counting down....

I don't mean to scare you, but have you checked the date today? Only a month until Christmas! And, rather worryingly, not a thing I've done lately has had anything to do with Christmas preparations....eeek!

I've made some little boxes of choc-chip cookies as thank-you gifts...

...and gone to High School Orientation Day with my son, and toured the Perth Mint, and done some entertaining at my house, and designed some Baby Shower invitations (no wait...that's still on my to-do list!), and created a Mermaid costume...

...but not a thing has been ticked off my Christmas to-do list!
Breathe deeply....don't panic :)
How are your Christmas preparations going?
TTFN xxx


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Merry's mermaid costume is amazing - love the "scales" fabric - just perfect. Your little cookie packaging looks lovely. Sound slike you are super busy - don't worry, I haven't done much for Christmas either!

Linda said...

Ah dont worry Susan there is still plenty of time.
Great costume and an open day for Riley how exciting. Your gift boxes look divine. How are your visitors?

Janellybelly said...

I'm hyperventilating at the date!!! You are WAY ahead of schedule compared to me :)
The mermaid looks splendid, please tell her so xx

Tracey Holdyk said...

Love that costume! How excited was Riley about his open day and how nervous were you???
My christmas list is going well, making an advent calander, gifts for Josh's classmates and a gift for secret santa. All good here and don't worry 4 weeks is plenty of time...
love me :-)

Anonymous said...

Wow that costume is gorgeous!!!
I've made my cards but there's still so much I would like to do. Let's hope December goes really sloooowwww :)