Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Day in the Country.

It's very easy to get bogged down in the everday stuff, sports stuff, household stuff...and forget that weekends should be all about getting out and doing different stuff!

So this morning we packed up the car, and headed out for a drive in the country.

One of the things I love most about driving in the country is stumbling across stands selling local produce...always so fresh and yummy!

Our destination today was New Norcia, Australia's only monastic town. It's always been on my list of places to visit in Western Australia...but not-so-much on everyone else's list :) Let's face it...a day spent visiting churches and historic buildings is a pretty hard thing to get everyone enthused about!

We arrived just in time to go on a guided tour of the town...a two hour walking tour which I quickly signed us all up for. I wasn't going to give my family time to consider what a tour involving countless chapels, monks and religious history might involve :)

The interiors of the chapels were amazingly preserved, and stunning in their detail....

..the architecture so incongruous in the harsh West Australian landscape.

And the highlight of the trip, as noted by the children?

Rolling around in a pile of road gravel while my husband and I consulted the maps after the first of many wrong turns that we made during the day!

Oh's all about exposure to information. Right?

TTFN xxx


A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

glad you got your day in the country! I haven't been there in years - must be time for a revisit.

Cardygirl said...

New Norcia is lovely...glad you had a great day.

Tracey Holdyk said...

This is so on my list of things to do as well. Did you go to the bakery... its the best.
love me :-)

Linda said...

Oh yay you got your day in the country, lovely photos. I'm sure the kids will remember it in years to come.

Kristyne said...

Kinda the same thing as when they're little and would rather play with the packaging the toy came in than the actual toy itself, right?! Haha

Gorgeous place. Thanks for sharing.