Are you ever too old to enjoy the ferris wheel?

I am thinking....NOT! Yesterday we went into the city for lunch, and our first ride on the new ferris wheel on the Perth Foreshore was so much fun! Not quite as big as I had imagined, but that was compensated by the air conditioned cabins...noice!

Of course, the kids loved it. We did 5 loops, and I took lots of photos from up the top....such a good vantage point of the city. I think we'll have to take a ride at night, to see all the lights of the
A big thankyou to all of you who sent birthday wishes my's lovely people like you who make my life special xxx
Have a great week
Oh I hope you had a wonderful birthday.
The kids would have love the ride, I haven't tried it out yet.
Special wishes for a special lady and a great mother. It looks like you had a fab day.
You will have to share the photos.
xx Linda
Happy birthday Susan, looks like you have had a fun time!
I will have to show my kids the photos because I think they would love to give the 'Perth Eye' a go!
Hope you enjoyed your Birthday!
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