Thursday, December 2, 2010

Let the documenting begin.

I am a big fan of Ali Edwards' December Daily concept....for so many reasons.

I love looking back on previous albums, reliving the little details of Christmas' past. I love the daily reminder to take a photo or two. I love taking time at the end of each busy day to record a story, big or little. I love that the album is pre-made, so that I don't have to make any hard decisions :) I love the simplicity of it all...that I don't feel the need to make it fancy...that the stories and photos will stand on their own.

Love love love doing December Daily. Here is Day 1...

...I spent some time in the afternoon doing a little photoshoot of a Christmas decoration, which I thought would be the focus of Day 1. However, the story of the day ended up being the search for an Advent Calendar (or 3!!!) which ended at around 7:45 pm, after visits to
countless shops and almost accepting that our advent calendar tradition wouldn't be happening this year. We settled for High School Musical and AFL...which, if you know my kids, is pretty funny :) We were desperate!

I've had the loveliest morning in Merryn's classroom today...

...moulding Christmas chocolates with the kids. How I am going to miss having little ones!

TTFN xxx


Tracey said...

I've been so looking forward to seeing your "Decemeber Daily"! Day one looks great! And how Sweet does your daughter look holding all those chocolates:)Can't wait to see the rest.

Tracey Holdyk said...

Loving the DD, I love the whole concept of the DD.
We are still chasing an Advent calendar, I just love advent calendars.
love me :-)