Friday, October 31, 2008
I know, I know.....we don't live in America, but I've noticed in the last few years that we seem to be involved in something "spooky" every year, and it's fun! Last year the kids had a Halloween disco at their school, and loved getting dressed up, and I have to admit, I had lots of fun making them all spooky too :)
This is a LO I did last year about Riley in his vampire costume...
It didn't take me long to break out my DT pack from Tomorrows Memories! I have made one LO so far...
Now, you have to try to imagine the background being clear acrylic (not green) because that's what it is! It's REALLY hard to photograph it effectively...see my reflection in the photo? Take my word for it, it's clear.
Try the side view...
Speaking of which...I copied this from the TM blog...check it out all you local girls...
We have some AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING offers for you.....
Make sure you read this all so you don’t miss out on some amazing deals!!!
Yes – you read it right!! Starting from Saturday 1st November until Saturday 29th November 2008, every $70.00 that you spend in store (after discounts), will give you a ticket into the draw for a Slice Starter Kit valued at $299.00! The prize will be drawn in the first week of December and the winner will be notified by phone.
Check our website on to find out more about the Slice and what it includes.
This is an amazing offer – so come in and do all your Christmas Shopping in the month of November to earn a ticket in the draw for this amazing prize!
Due to the popularity of Acrylic stamps, we will no longer be stocking wood mounted stamps. We are still happy to order these in for you. All wood mounted stamps in store will receive 40% off until cleared!
As you all know, November is a busy month for us all – getting ready for Chrismas, parties, school commitments. To entice you all to book in for some of our November classes, we are offering an amazing deal.
Book one class for November and get a second class (of the same or lesser value)
In November at 50% off.
We have had a lot of new stock arrive recently which has left our clearance area well stocked! Therefore we are offering 50% off the already lower marked prices for Friday 31st October and Saturday 1st November ONLY.
For Friday 31st October and Saturday 1st November we are offering 20% off storewide. This is for floor stock only. Don’t miss this great opportunity to get all your Christmas scrapbooking items!!
Get in there if you can and grab a bargain!
OK....I had best go and help my little ghoulies...enjoy your Halloween!
TTFN xxx
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What would YOU pay?
Sorry about the camera flash in the middle of this one...not ideal lighting conditions here at the moment. It actually looks VERY pink IRL. The good news still have time to enter! You just need to upload to the forum by noon tomorrow, and the prize is a pack of yummy pink scrapping goodies for the winner! What's not to love about that?
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Some days....
I woke this morning to the sound of rain on the roof (always a beautiful way to start the day) and felt a chill in the air, and thought to myself that today would be a perfect day to knock over another block for my Christmas Belles quilt.
I spent the morning catching up on my housework, so that when Merryn came home and hit me with the inevitable "Can I watch a DVD?", I would be prepared! We snuggled on the lounge together to watch the "human" version of Charlottes Web...have you seen it? It is beautiful. The book was one of my favourites as a child, and we've watched the cartoon version countless times, but the "human" version is divine! (Might have to ask Santa for my very own copy LOL)
Anyhoo... we sat and stitched the "gardening angel" block...
Isn't she sweet?
Now, when I say "we", I really do mean "we". Merryn (and the other two as well when they were younger) loves to stitch with me. She sits up nice and close, and as I poke the needle to the top of the fabric, she pulls it through. Then I stitch back down into the fabric, while she waits for the needle to pop through to the top again. It took a while (and lots of needle re-threading) before she got the feel of when to stop pulling, but now she is quite the expert. She loves it , and really, what better way is there to spend a rainy afternoon?
Very little happening on the scrapbooking front, but all that will probably change with the arrival of my new DT pack from Tomorrows Memories today, which holds lots of Christmas goodness...just as well I haven't finished scrapping all those Chrissy photos :)
Enjoy your Tuesday
TTFN xxx
Monday, October 27, 2008
Pink Ribbon Day
Breast cancer affects so very many families...if not directly, then indirectly. My son came home from school today, and told me about a young boy in his class who was crying this morning before school. When asked why, this little boy replied that today was Pink Ribbon Day, and that his Mum has breast cancer. It still brings a tear to my eye, just writing that sentence. Our family has been affected, too, and it makes me so sad to say that my girls have a family history of breast cancer. Luckily, due to the research already done, the disease did not prove to be as devastating as it could have...but it makes me realize how vital it is to support the research, and give if you possibly can.
The girls at Scrapsidaisy are holding a "Girls Night In" tomorrow of hundreds all over Australia, I would imagine. In conjunction with this, Leisa is holding a little cyber challenge. Scrap a page using pink, and post on the forum by Thursday at 12noon. The winner will receive a pack of pink scrapping goodies, courtesy of Scrapsidaisy. Why not have a go? I know I will be pulling out my pink stuff to take part!
Please consider making a donation this week to support the Cancer Council...every little bit helps.
TTFN xxx
Saturday, October 25, 2008
New stuff from Tim!
I thought I'd put a picture of the new colours here on the blog (see below), and while it was loading, I got the brainwave that you might like to see a photo of when I actually MET Tim...just for a laugh.

Friday, October 24, 2008
That magical sound...
I have finally been able to focus on making my Copycatcard for this week, which is to incorporate beads on a card. Let me just say....I am SOOOOO not a bead girl. Trying to find a bead was hard enough, and then putting it on a card? Hmmm.
"Merry Christmas" is stamped with Staz-On ink onto a transparency, which is held in place with red brads.
Happy Friday ...hope the weekend holds lots of good times for you. Oh...and lots of rain!
TTFN xxx
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Taxi Day...
I often use the phrase "get with the program", and I am very proud to say that my husband seems to be getting the idea. Yesterday I was doing the ironing, and he came in and said something like..."I've got something funny to tell might want to write it down". He proceeded to tell me of a conversation that he'd just had with Merryn that I might want to document. Heelloooo??? We have a breakthrough! He is telling me things that I might want to include in my scrapbook...YAY! So proud....LOL...he is definitely getting with the program!
Anyway, I thought I would break out my new Sassafrass Lass papers and create a page about this conversation between Merryn and her Dad.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I'm bringing Christmas back (yeah)..
Last night I went to Tomorrows Memories to do a class in the Me Myself and I Create series...the one that I mentioned last week. It was so fun! Our homework was to record all the little things we do in a normal day and take a few photos to accompany them. We then created a LO for our "ME" album. It was so cool to see what everyone does in a "normal" day...and while not all of it was exciting, I think it will be great to look back in a year or so to see how much our lives have changed. Also great for anyone in 30 or so years to see what is normal for 2008 (if my life is considered "normal"...????)

At the class I also got to chatting to Helen, a fellow scrap-a-holic (hi Helen xxx) about why we don't scrap as much as we would like. Helen said she gets a little overwhelmed at times by the sheer volume of photos that she has yet to scrap, which I can totally relate to.
Getting to the point...LOL...I think that is one reason why I am scrapping so many Christmas photos lately. I have all my Christmas photos, and papers and embellishments, sorted seperately from all my other stuff....which means it is not NEARLY so overwhelming to attack the Christmas photos. There is a finite number of them. One day I will actually get to the bottom of that pile. And some days, that is a really nice feeling :)
So here is another Christmas LO...
These are (once again) the Making Memories Fa La La papers...another good reason to scrap Christmas photos! I've used Skinny Stripe, Poinsettia Stripe, Artisan Solid and the paper poinsettia on this one.
I could, however, have an ulterior motive for all these Christmas LOs....have you seen the new Basic Grey Wassail range? YUM! I have held myself back from buying some so far, but if I was getting short on Christmas papers...I might just have to order some (wink wink). Check them out at and let me know what you think!
TTFN xxx
Monday, October 20, 2008
Real life shots...
Take the photo that I used in this LO...
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Events and parties...
Sadly, there has been no creating happening here for the last little while...apart from the hayfever issue, we have been busy! Merryn headed off to a friends birthday party this morning...
Friday, October 17, 2008
When the going gets tough...
My poor husband was gobsmacked that I would put such a revolting looking photo of myself on the blog, but the way I figure it, sometimes life IS revolting! (see previous post, if you dare LOL).
I've spent the afternoon whipping up some cards for a couple of parties that we are going to on the weekend...little boy parties, in fact. I am really not good at boy cards, so kept it pretty basic. I also cheated and used the same papers...that's allowed, you know.
The next is for a...can you guess? year old. I was tempted to do "baby boy" colours and theme, but figure he's old enough for dinosaurs! I Cuttlebugged the paper circle, inked the chipboard circle underneath, and sponged the white chipboard circle on top.
As I was flicking back through my photos on the computer, I came across this LO. It would have to be one of my favourites, so I thought I would share :)
I used some of the MM Spellbound papers, some Little Yellow Bicycle paper, and the frames are MM 5th Avenue. There's lots of stitching on it, and I just love the photos of Lydia dressed up as Fern from Charlottes Web for Book Week this year. Just goes to show that the Spellbound papers have so many more uses than JUST Halloween layouts :)
OK, that's two posts from me today, so it might be time to turn the computer off and enjoy a BBQ dinner with my family. Hope you have a great weekend, wherever you are!
TTFN xxx
Is it any wonder....

So, I will stop whingeing now...but don't expect too much creativity happening any time soon LOL!
And what do I do when my creativity has gone walkabout? Yes, I reach into my stash of kits!
This one is from Tomorrows' Memories, and is a LO from the Me Myself and I Create series. I usually go to the class, but had to miss a couple a while back, so I bought the kit instead! A good thing, really, beacause the way I have been feeling, I really couldn't be bothered coming up with anything original! LOL!
Anyhoo...thanks for putting up with my moaning today :) and if you know of any good hayfever drugs, I will be your friend for life!
TTFN xxx
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Can't resist sharing....
For those non-quilters who read, a word of explanation. I stitched and pieced the top of the quilt, and then took it to a professional quilter who put the top onto a layer of batting (the woolly stuff in the middle that makes it warm) and a backing (the bottom layer). She then used a machine to stitch all the wavy lines (called stippling) on top to hold all the layers together, and now I need to put a binding on it (the bit that goes around the outside edge of the quilt). Since the binding is scalloped and may take a few days, I decided to share it today!
In other of my LOs has been accepted to the Basic Grey gallery! A bit exciting for me, as it is the first time I have submitted anything to anywhere...don't know what came over me, really :). It's the LO of Lydia a few posts case you don't have time to check it out LOL.
Back into all the after school activities this week, so I had better get organised...
TTFN xxx
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Inspired by Tracey...
With this goal in mind, I had been racking my brain for gift ideas for the children's school teachers. I wanted to do something other than chocolates, or wine, or teacher coffee mugs, which is what I usually resort to because of my lack of organisation. NOT THIS YEAR!!!
The very talented Tracey (check out her blog has come up with a brilliant idea! She made a beautiful card set as a gift for her daughters teacher, using the MM 5th Avenue Journaling Book. I saw these in real life the other day, and couldn't help but think to myself..."what a marvellous idea", AND "I have got a few journaling books in my stash", AND "what a great way to use up some stuff!" So, with her permission, I set about creating my own :)
As much as I would have liked to copy hers (they are stunning), I thought I had better put my own spin on them...
I have made two sets of these so far, and plan to use the same idea but a different journaling book (I have a few:) ) to create another couple of sets for the other teachers.
Tracey is such a talented chicky, and her seemingly never-ending supply of wonderful ideas blows me away sometimes! Thanks for the kick-start Tracey xxx
Kids are back at school today, so I am hoping to get into a bit of stitching...if I can ignore the housework for a while :)
TTFN xxx
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Holidays, mulberries, scrapping and stitching!
We went bike riding yesterday, and discovered a big old mulberry tree, packed full of juicy, ripe mulberries! It brought back lots of childhood memories for me...our neighbours had a tree when I was little, and we'd stuff ourselves. I used to love the silkworms too, and would collect them in an icecream container. Good times. Shame they leave such STUBBORN stains though LOL.
I did a little creating this afternoon while the kids were quiet (swimming at the local pool all morning must have tired them out LOL). I was looking through some old copies of Scrapbook Trends, and found a LO by Dawn Hagewood that used some KI Lace cardstock, which I have quite a bit of, so I thought I'd copy it!
As with every time I try to scraplift, my LO turned out quite different to the original, but this is good! Sometimes you need a bit of a kickstart to get your mojo happening :) I have no idea why I dug out these photos from 2005...some rare snaps of me in swimmers, no less! I should point out that it's all straight in real life (looks a little crooked from my photo!)
I also finished another block for my Christmas quilt last night. Things are going a bit slowly on this atm...I have stitching time, but not much time to create the blocks so that they are ready to stitch IYKWIM.
See, it still has the marks from my embroidery hoop on it! I know, I's only little. I'll try to get another block ready tonight :). At the rate I'm going, it may be ready for Christmas.....NEXT YEAR!!!
TTFN xxx
Friday, October 10, 2008
New one and old ones...
I received a parcel the other day containing the new and ever-so-delicious Basic Grey Urban Prairie and a few sheets of Granola (one of BG's other new ranges). For some reason, I have been having trouble cutting into is very beautiful :) I have learned a very valuable lesson over the years though...don't hang onto scrapbooking papers or embellishments because they are too "special" to use, because it only takes the release of a new (and even more gorgeous) range to relegate those papers into the drawer, never to be pulled out again!
With this in mind, I got stuck into it!
This LO uses Urban Prairie Bluebird, Petticoat, one of the chipboard shapes, as well as one of my very favourite MM Noteworthy journaling book pages...I am going to be very sad when I've used the last page! Love them! The journaling is about my sweet little girl, who manages to be sweet even when she is about to be sick LOL...just one of those little everyday things that I love to record in my scrapbooks.
The next couple are a little older...I made them for Tomorrows Memories back when Noteworthy 2 was first released, but haven't shared them here yet.
This one is just "random stuff" about me back in May (when I did the page) ... and I am amazed that, even just a couple of months down the track, a couple of the things are no longer relevant so much :)
This one is quite a bit different to my usual thing...I stamped with paint and bubble wrap to create the background, and the colours are a bit "out there" LOL....but I like it! Used my favourite little MM alphas too.
That's all for today, I think. My hayfever is making life a little miserable, IS Spring, so that is to be expected. I wish those drug companies would work a little harder for some effective relief! LOL.
TTFN xxx
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Tricky tricky...
I have to say, I love the way it turned out! A circular card is not something I would create all by myself usually, but I guess this is what it's all about :) Probably the trickiest thing about this card was taking the photo out in the afternoon kept falling out of the tree! I figured hanging it on a branch was probably my best option LOL. I haven't even used patterned paper on this one (shock! horror!), just some cardstock cut into strips ( the white embossed with my favourite Cuttlebug folder) and a Bazzill Chip Topper sticker from a few years back...nothing too tricky about that!
If you are thinking about making your own circular card...hop to it! Leisa is away on holidays, so you have an extra week to come up with your design :)
Thank you for all your lovely comments over the last few weeks. If you have been too shy to leave me one...please, don't be! I'd love to hear from you.
TTFN xxx
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
And while we are on the subject of happiness...
So this LO takes a lighthearted look at all of those questions...I think it will be great to look back on in a few years.
My happiness...
It's visiting the Swan Bells (a tourist attraction here in Perth that I've wanted to climb for the longest time!) and being a tourist in my own city.
It's eating fish and chips for lunch at the Esplanade, listening to the water lapping on the posts and watching the watercraft sail by.
It's a bag full of my favourite lollies, just for me. (The children got their own bag :) )
And it's finally finding a new doona cover that my darling husband and I can agree on! Believe me, this process has taken many years, and I couldn't wait to get home and put it on our bed LOL.
Merryn actually suggested that I take her photo...a highly unusual thing...and posed without any directions from me...she's looking very relaxed, huh? I know it's bright, but I love the fresh colours. We've had a patchwork quilt on our bed for years, and have wanted a new quilt for ages but couldn't agree on anything! I really didn't want to tackle making another patchwork one either. Can't wait to snuggle into those yummy big pillows :)
Back with a new LO shortly
TTFN xxx
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Love a cold rainy day...
I finally delved into my new stash of SEI Poppy to create this LO about Lydia. Earlier this year, she had a HUGE length cut off her hair...probably about 50cm? and it made a big difference to her personality...amazing that the length of her hair could make such a big change in her!
Then I scrapped these baby photos of my beautiful boy:)
Some stitching on here, to match the papers. I have mostly used elements from the Cosmo Cricket Honey Pie kit which I bought ages ago, loved, but never got around to using! That happens a bit around here.
Hope you have all had a great weekend...or continue having a great weekend those lucky people in the Eastern States who have a long one :) We are heading into Week 2 of the school holidays, so are hoping that the weather is a little kinder to us this week.
TTFN xxx
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The Show...and some decision making.
The dodgem cars were great fun too. We met up with some friends while we were there, and I handed the camera over for once...yay me! Mel took some great shots, and it was so nice to look through them all this morning (thank you Mel xxx).
The kids went on lots of rides, and patted lots of animals, and ate lots of food, and generally had a great time. They are still fossicking through their showbags and eating lollies, so it's all good LOL.
We've had a very lazy day today, and I've done a lot of paper shuffling, if not so much scrapbooking LOL.
For a long time now, I've been trying to decide what to do about the hundreds of $$$ worth of Creative Memories albums that I bought way back when I first started scrapping. The method really doesn't work for me these days...the whole chronological scrapping thing especially doesn't work for me, actually! I still have many baby photos of Riley that I haven't scrapped, and I balk at trying to scrap them in order so as to put them in the CM albums...see my problem?
So today I bit the bullet, and made a decision. There is far too much money wrapped up in these albums to just ditch them (as tempting as that is LOL) but they are also hindering my creative process, so.....
I am going to live with them. I will fill the empty pages that I have, but only the ones that have something on the back (IYKWIM) more pressure! Any other LO about Riley as a bub can go into the gorgeous American Crafts black leather 3 ring albums that I use for everything else. Done.
So, I made the LO above as the title page for his CM album...I kept it basic, because anything too fancy would look a bit out of place in this album! (Try to picture lots of paper piecing and photos cut into circles, ovals and other more creative (???!!!) shapes, and you will get the picture!) I have a few more pages to fill, but after that, I am done.
And then...well, I can scrap the baby pics as I feel like more pressure to get them in just the right order! Phew!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Pull Aparts
I am describing my scrapbooking experiences of the last few days :( It seems that everything I have made lately I have pulled apart! You know the ribbon LO from the other day? I made the mistake of sitting it on my display easel next to my scrapping desk, and for some reason a couple of the ribbons just kept asking me to take them off. So I did, but not without ripping the paper underneath, which then presented a whole new problem! Do you ever have days like that?
The we come to this LO....
It wasn't created without it's share of paper ripping too (and I don't just mean the bits that a meant to look ripped LOL). My poor son was horrified to see me tearing the whole LO to pieces right before his eyes! Ahh...the frustrations!
I love the end result, though :). I really want to record how my kids came by their nicknames in their albums, so I started with Lydia. She is , and always has been, "Fairy Floss" and she didn't know why when I asked her. This photo brought back so many beautiful memories for me...I love babies, and she was just gorgeous.
I have used some Melissa Frances paper, some October Afternoon paper, and some of my favourite tiny MM those letters!
We are off to the Perth Royal Show today, so I'm guessing there won't be much creative stuff going on around here...but maybe lots of new photos to scrap after that!
Have a great Friday!